A recent article discusses findings which dispel the myth that there is a single "God Spot" in the brain. In fact, religious thoughts originate from many different regions of the brain...Check it out (from 60 Second Science).
This blog is written by me, a 26 year old plant biology and genetics student at Cornell University (who happens to be looking for a job: click for info). It is (among other things) an attempt to make science both interesting and accessible, as well as to convey the relevance of science in an everyday context - i.e. the direct affect it could have on you, today and in the future. I must warn that I consider myself many things, including competent to comprehend most research and convey basic meaning, but I am certainly not an expert in any field, and can therefore make no promises regarding the sagacity or acumen of the content. However, I think you will find this blog not only informative, but interesting - and maybe even a little humorous. I hope you enjoy.
My good friends, from my home- town of Rochester, NY - GPGDS (Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad) is 100 percent authentic, relentless roots reggae & massive experimental dub. What exactly does that mean? Words can't do justice...you just have to hear for yourself:
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